12 Nov 2020

Hi all,
I hope this finds everyone safe and well and you are coping as best we can during these difficult times.
Following our AGM I wanted to reflect on the last year and give you all an insight into where we see
ourselves going in the next 12 months.
This has been a crazy year with many challenges faced by everyone in every aspect of our lives. Our schools,
businesses and clubs have all taken a hit and unfortunately, as we enter our second lockdown, some have
been unable to keep going. We are one of the lucky ones.
As you know we were out of the water for nearly 6 months during the first lockdown. Fortunately we
managed to secure some pool time in August in Gillingham and eventually return to Frome in October.
With all the new Covid rules and regulations there was a huge amount of work that went on behind the
scenes to make this happen so that our swimmers could return safely to the sport they love. Understanding
the difficulties faced by businesses during this time we worked with Fusion to arrange pool time around
their new opening hours and reduced staff and set a foundation that we can look to build on when things
(hopefully) begin to get back to normal.
I know some parents have been unhappy with the amount of sessions available but it is important to
understand the limitations placed on the centre surrounding the pandemic and that they also need to cater
for their own customers, other clubs and the College. We also need to be mindful of the fact that there are
no competitions right now and nothing set to happen any time soon. The very idea of running a competition
in the current situation is unthinkable and so having hours and hours of training is both unnecessary and
expensive. While the club does have cash in reserve to help run the club it is important to understand that
the club runs at a loss. Without fundraising and the opportunity to run our own competition to cover costs
our reserves need to be managed sparingly to help keep the club running for the foreseeable future.
Our stages swimmers have yet to return to the water and for that I am extremely sorry. We have spoken
to Downside school in Stratton-on-the-Fosse but due to the second lockdown no plans can be confirmed.
We have also been searching for poolside assistance to help share the load with head Coach Pete Billing
and promisingly have a couple of possibilities on the horizon. This second lockdown has again put a spanner
in the works. However, we are hopeful that once this lockdown is over we will be able to get our stages
back into the water soon!
Our committee works really hard to ensure the swimmers can get in the pool every week and enjoy their
swimming. We do not always get it right, but we do our best. We are always open to suggestions but we
need your help. I am really happy and grateful that during the AGM Hannah Dors has taken on the vacant
Secretary role and Susan Williams has signed up as Covid Lead. They are welcomed wholeheartedly into
our committee and we look forward to working with them in the future.
But we need you. We still have a vacant treasurer position that must be filled and some other roles to help
share the load. Many hands make light work and you don’t need to worry about being thrown in at the
deep end. We all work together and help each other out so please get involved. The more help we have
the less we each have to do. If you’re unsure, bring a friend! The more the merrier. In short: if we do not
get the help we need the club cannot function if these roles are not filled. If that happens then no one will
be swimming. This is something I’m sure no one wants to happen. So please, get in touch and give it a go!
Stay safe everyone,
Aaron Freeman
FSC Chairman

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